Thursday, April 21, 2011

A blur

The last day of Spring Break was literally a blur.  Of course it had to be the foggiest, ugliest day.  I still enjoyed it since I was in Florida and everyone else that was on spring break was home. On this day we decided to spend our time at the beach.  We stayed their for probably four hour, it was so fun.  I flew a fish shaped kite with my dad and met these cute triplets, but I can not remember their names.  Their mother was from England and their father was from India.  I played with the little kids for about an hour and they loved the huge bubbles I was blowing so when they left I gave them the rest of them.  I was going to get into the ocean, but I hardly could see it!  There was fog everywhere and ships had to travel only about fifty yards from shore.  It was fun however watching the huge waves, the sound almost put me to sleep!

My sister and I at the beach 
 As I tried to sleep I couldn't so ended up looking at the clouds and saw it was clearing up a little.  I was wide awake now and my dad and I decided to go up to the get a frozen ice from Frost Bites.  We headed up the beach and as we reached the pavilion something happened.  My dad broke his toe.  You will never guess what he broke it on, me!  I was in front of him and he was not paying attention and he ran into my heel.  He screamed and then set his toe back into position.  I could tell it hurt him a lot, we still got the frozen ice and then headed back down the beach.  It hurt him too much so I went down to get his shoes and towel and then he went back to the house to ice his toe.  Shortly after, my mom, sister and I went back to the house, my dad was doing better.  So we were happy!  Since it was our last night we decided to go out, we had a great meal at Great Southern!  We went back to the house and packed.  I was sad that we were leaving in the morning.

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